Canada 150

Happy Canada Day. 150 years of Confederation.

In Canada

Oh Canada

We do not tax you on your lottery winnings.

We do not have a death penalty.
We do not allow drug companies to advertise directly to the consumer. Healthcare is a social good, not a consumer product.
We do not have hormones, steroids or antibiotics in our cow’s milk for consumption. If a dairy cow is being given antibiotics for an illness, she is temporarily removed from the milk producing herd.
We do not interfere in a woman’s reproductive choices.  At all. It’s part of healthcare, therefore private.
We do not have religion in government. Fundamentalism has no influence on policy.
We do not register to vote declaring any affiliation.  We are simply enumerated onto an updatable voter list.  Name, address, and are you a citizen? Bring picture ID (ie. Medicare card).  NO national issues with voter fraud.
We do not incorporate identifying factors into social assistance (like food stamps).
We do not have a two party political system.
We do not have write-in candidates on ballots.


We did not go to Vietnam or Iraq.


We are at least approaching the reconciliation of our national sin (the treatment of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples) with official government apologies and a study that admitted we had practiced cultural genocide.


P.M. Justin Trudeau addressing the indigenous people on Parliament Hill.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had a brief meeting with indigenous activists who set up a demonstration teepee on Parliament Hill ahead of Canada Day celebrations.

We joined the war effort in Europe in August of 1914, and in September of 1939.


We have Parliament, and minority governments can fall. Political parties can crash and burn, and reform.
We have multiple political parties, including regional and fringe parties, and very short election campaigns – measured in weeks.
We have universal healthcare, it’s not perfect, but it’s pretty damn good.
We have gay marriage.
We have a relatively low crime and homicide rate.  23 murders in Montreal last year.
We have two official languages.  (First Nations have many languages.)
We have a national stereotype of being polite.
We have hockey.
We have snow.
We have beer.
We have maple syrup.
We have the most fresh water.
We have polar bears.
We have moose.
We have beavers.
We have the Arctic and Santa lives in Canada.


This is our current leader.
He is good with international relations.
Soon we will have marijuana.


Canadian Bacon is not a thing except in the U.S.A.
We have regular bacon and, less often in general, back-bacon.


We do not say aboot.
We do say sorry.

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