I live white privilege, I didn’t earn it

©2000 Marion Pennell

©2000 Marion Pennell

Currently there are 54 countries in Africa.  I have met people (and have had enough of a conversation to say I know a little about them) from Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia, and Uganda.  The man from Uganda was a Hindu living there, and under Idi Amin’s regime had to flee with just the clothes on his back.  I can’t even imagine. Continue reading

A mockingjay can mimic whatever they need you to hear

Go see Mockingjay, especially if you are young and so far non-political.

I saw Mockingjay at the theater.  I love the lessons in politics embedded as propo’s in the film.  Young people may not watch or care about the news, or history.  If they do, it may be to repeat or forward a story that sounds cool or outrageous, but they may have never researched it to understand if it is true, and if so, in what context?  Context is everything.

©2001 Marion Pennell

©2001 Marion Pennell

In Mockingjay, President Snow is seen crafting his side’s propo.  “Not rebels, use radicals.”

In Ferguson, the press conference was held at night.  As I watched, I sensed the backroom crafting of the evidence.  How to present your case, use the right vocabulary.  Rhetoric, I believe it is called.

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I remember

©2005 Marion Pennell

©2005 Marion Pennell

I went to the funeral back in December 1989.  Not inside the basilica, we stood outside in the cold.  There were speakers to broadcast the service.  It was in French, but I couldn’t understand most of it because of the outdoor acoustics, not the language.  It didn’t matter.  We all knew what was being said.  Eleven of the fourteen shared a funeral.  Eleven hearses.  It was very cold, but nobody complained.  There were a lot of men too, that helped.

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December 6th, I remember


  • Geneviève Bergeron (born 1968), civil engineering student
  • Hélène Colgan (born 1966), mechanical engineering student
  • Nathalie Croteau (born 1966), mechanical engineering student
  • Barbara Daigneault (born 1967), mechanical engineering student
  • Anne-Marie Edward (born 1968), chemical engineering student
  • Maud Haviernick (born 1960), materials engineering student
  • Maryse Laganière (born 1964), budget clerk in the École Polytechnique’s finance department
  • Maryse Leclair (born 1966), materials engineering student
  • Anne-Marie Lemay (born 1967), mechanical engineering student
  • Sonia Pelletier (born 1961), mechanical engineering student
  • Michèle Richard (born 1968), materials engineering student
  • Annie St-Arneault (born 1966), mechanical engineering student
  • Annie Turcotte (born 1969), materials engineering student
  • Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz (born 1958), nursing student